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Archive for April 2019

Tugas 2 : B.inggris Bisnis 2

By : Muhammad iskandar
Sentence :
19. The Outline  must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it.

Answer :
The Outline  must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and they must approve it.

In my opinion the sentence must be added the subject "they" so that the sentence can be understood.
C1 = The Outline  must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due
C2 = must approve it.
Connector = and
Subject = they

Tugas 2 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

By : Muhammad iskandar

On this assignment I was told to tell about my most memorable experience while on campus ............... seriously? .............. in my opinion there is no memorable story as long as I live in the campus. So I will just tell you about my experience when I was here.

Okay, exactly three and a half years ago, I came here to continue my education to a higher level. What I know is that this campus has faculties that excel in the IT field, therefore I am interested in being here. after I have officially become part of this campus I started to start my first days with a bald head ........ Yes BALD HEAD ............. maybe if you ask what experience is most memorable as long as I am here I will answer about that. Honestly, during my life I never cut my hair until it was finished (except when I was a baby, Hahaha). At that time when I went everywhere I always wore a hat, because in my opinion I was not very confident about my condition at that time ...... Hahaha ........... Forget about my bald head. When I first entered my new class, I met a number of people, they were very kind to me and I thought I would have a nice day here. but when I went up to the next level I had to part with my old friend because at this level we were re-selected with the class according to our average score in the last semester. In my new class, I also have to find new friends again, but at this level I also get good friends with me. I also went through my college days with my new friend for more than two years. Doing shared tasks, sharing stories, learning together, laughing together .......... HAHAHAHA ................ I'm happy to be here because I'm surrounded by people well. Thank you friends.

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