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Tugas 4 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

By : Muhammad iskandar

The goals to be achieved in the next ten years:

 I am currently working in one of the e-commers companies that is growing rapidly.  Here I learn how to sell lots of items every day.  I work in the warehouse and here I also learn how to manage a lot of things.  Therefore, in the next ten years, I want to have my own e-commers company.  The reason I want to have an e-commers company is because I like to trade, I like to see people who buy my products feel happy for the products I sell.  I also want to open employment opportunities for many people.  Therefore I will try to make it happen in the next ten years.

  Things that must be done to achieve these goals:

 Maybe from now on I have to start learning about business.  I also have to learn from my colleagues' experiences about serving customers and ways that many people buy my products.  I also have to have a lot of experience about this work.

 Why do you deserve to get an A in this course:

 I think I deserve to get an A on this course because, I have done all the assignments given by my lecturer.  I also always attend all meetings in this course.  So I think I'm very worthy of getting an A in this course.

Tugas 2 : B.inggris Bisnis 2

By : Muhammad iskandar
Sentence :
19. The Outline  must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it.

Answer :
The Outline  must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and they must approve it.

In my opinion the sentence must be added the subject "they" so that the sentence can be understood.
C1 = The Outline  must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due
C2 = must approve it.
Connector = and
Subject = they

Tugas 2 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

By : Muhammad iskandar

On this assignment I was told to tell about my most memorable experience while on campus ............... seriously? .............. in my opinion there is no memorable story as long as I live in the campus. So I will just tell you about my experience when I was here.

Okay, exactly three and a half years ago, I came here to continue my education to a higher level. What I know is that this campus has faculties that excel in the IT field, therefore I am interested in being here. after I have officially become part of this campus I started to start my first days with a bald head ........ Yes BALD HEAD ............. maybe if you ask what experience is most memorable as long as I am here I will answer about that. Honestly, during my life I never cut my hair until it was finished (except when I was a baby, Hahaha). At that time when I went everywhere I always wore a hat, because in my opinion I was not very confident about my condition at that time ...... Hahaha ........... Forget about my bald head. When I first entered my new class, I met a number of people, they were very kind to me and I thought I would have a nice day here. but when I went up to the next level I had to part with my old friend because at this level we were re-selected with the class according to our average score in the last semester. In my new class, I also have to find new friends again, but at this level I also get good friends with me. I also went through my college days with my new friend for more than two years. Doing shared tasks, sharing stories, learning together, laughing together .......... HAHAHAHA ................ I'm happy to be here because I'm surrounded by people well. Thank you friends.

Tugas 1 - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

By : Muhammad iskandar
19. if the duty of these officers aren't reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the Project.
      A                         B                   C                                            D

A ( if  ) = adverb
B ( these officers ) = Object
C ( aren't reduced ) = Subject
D ( be enough ) = Adverb

How to Prepare for the TOEFL: 8 Expert Tips

By : Muhammad iskandar

1.      Read and Listen to English News

One of the best ways to improve your English reading and listening skills is to pay attention to the news. The news allows you to improve your vocabulary, learn advanced English grammar, and listen to spoken English at a natural, conversational pace.

2.      Converse With Native English Speakers

Because there’s a speaking portion on the TOEFL, you’ll need to ensure your speaking abilities are up to par. The best way to practice speaking English is with native English speakers. Native English speakers are people whose first language is English, regardless of the country in which they grew up.

3.      Improve Your Vocabulary

To excel at both English and the TOEFL, you’ll need to master many tough vocabulary words. A large part of the TOEFL is knowing lots and lots of English words, especially academic vocabulary, so it’s important you know which words you’ll need to study for the TOEFL.

4.      Use a Language-Learning App or Website

You can learn English even faster through language-learning websites and apps. These resources track your progress and give you key words and grammatical patterns to study.

One popular example is Duolingo, a free language-learning website that’s also available as an app for iPhone and Android. Duolingo uses an effective game-like atmosphere to teach foreign languages to users. It’s mostly helpful for reviewing fundamental grammar patterns and vocabulary words at the beginner and intermediate levels.

5.      Learn the TOEFL Test Format

In order to do well on the TOEFL, you must understand the structure of the test. In other words, you must know exactly what to expect on test day, from what kinds of sections you’ll face to how many questions you’ll need to answer within a certain amount of time.

Here is a quick overview of the structure of the TOEFL:

6.      Use Official Practice Questions
Another tip is to use official TOEFL practice questions (both stand-alone questions and those included in official full-length practice tests). But why official questions? As it stands, official practice questions are the closest you can get to real TOEFL questions in terms of form, content, and difficulty. Moreover, many ETS resources use questions from TOEFLs that were actually administered in the past. So in regard to quality, nothing beats official TOEFL questions!

7.      Carefully Analyze Your Mistakes
You should also spend some time analyzing the mistakes you make on practice questions. Determining where you went wrong on TOEFL practice questions can help you avoid making these same mistakes on the actual test.
Here’s what you need to do: if you select an incorrect answer to a question, don’t simply read the answer explanation and move on. Instead, use the correct answer choice to guide your thinking. For example, on the Reading and Listening sections, reread the passage or listen to the audio clip again to help you pinpoint new pieces of evidence you might’ve missed before. Continue to do this until you’re eventually able to understand why your original answer choice was incorrect — and why the correct answer choice is correct.
Repeat this process for all questions you answer incorrectly during your TOEFL studies. Over time, you should begin to be able to identify patterns and figure out more rapidly why certain answer choices are correct or incorrect.

8.      Target Your Weaknesses
Weaknesses will bring down your score on test day, so it’s important you find and strengthen your biggest weaknesses. In the end, targeting your weak points should help you feel more confident on test day and improve your chance of getting the TOEFL score you want.
To determine your weaknesses, think about which areas of the TOEFL are most difficult for you. If you’ve taken TOEFL practice tests before, find the sections with your lowest scores. For example, do you consistently struggle to recognize vocabulary words in the readings? Are you having trouble understanding recorded lectures and conversations? Do you always seem to run out of time during the Writing section?
Once you’ve pinpointed your weak spots, make an effort to dedicate more study time to improving these skills.

source  : https://www.prepscholar.com/toefl/blog/how-to-prepare-for-toefl/

Tugas V-Class : Analisis Kinerja Sistem

By : Muhammad iskandar
Kelompok : 3
·       Fuadillah Al Khumairah (12115794)
·       Mohammad Iskandar (14115293)
·       Nur Adi Widyanto (15115160)
·       Sulis Andriany (16115704)

      Kali ini kami dari kelompok 3 akan melakukan analisis pada website provinsi lampung, kabupaten lampung timur, dan kabupaten lampung utara. analisis ini dilakukan semata-mata hanya untuk memenuhi tugas pada mata kuliah Analisis Kinerja Sistem. berikut adalah hasil analisis yang kami temukan.
Narasi :
Dari analisis website diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa informasi utama dalam website pada potensi daerah dengan bobot 40 persen, komoditas utama dengan bobot 30 persen, dan kualitas SDM dengan bobot 30 persen pada website provinsi lampung mendapatkan nilai 36, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai 24, dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai 60.
Informasi tambahan pada tahap 1 dengan bobot 20 persen, tahap 2 dengan bobot 30 persen, tahap 3 dengan bobot 50 persen pada website provinsi lampung mendapat nilai 90, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai 72, dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai 0.
Penyediaan hubungan pada G2C dengan bobot 40 persen, G2B dengan bobot 30 persen, G2G dengan bobot 30 persen pada website provinsi lampung mendapat nilai 0, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai 56, dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai 32.
Aksesibilitas pada website provinsi lampung mendapat nilai 100, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai 100, dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai 100.
Desain pada Animasi dengan bobot 30 persen, Grafis dengan bobot 30 persen, Text lengkap dengan bobot 40 persen pada website provinsi lampung mendapat nilai 63, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai 93, dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai 93.
Jumlah tingkatan informasi pada 1 tingkat dengan bobot 25 persen, 2 tungkat dengan bobot 25 persen, 3 tingkat dengan bobot 25, dan  4 tingkat dengan bobot 25 persen pada website provinsi lampung mendapat nilai 20, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai 0, dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai 25.
Maka dari keseluruhan analisis diatas pada website provinsi lampung mendapatkan nilai total 47,3 , sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur mendapatkan nilai total 48,1 , dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara mendapatkan nilai total 44,1 .
Selayang pandang pada website provinsi lampung tidak memiliki arti lambang, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur dan kabupaten lampung utara tidak memiliki moto.
Kemudian pemerintahan daerah pada website provinsi lampung tidak memiliki eksekutif. Sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung timur dan kabupaten lampung utara tidak memiliki nama, alamat, telepon, e-mail dari pejabat daerah. Dan pada website kabupaten lampung utara juga tidak memiliki eksekutif dan legislatif.
Pada website kabupaten lampung timur tidak memiliki semua aspek geografis, sedangkan pada website kabupaten lampung utara hanya memiliki informasi berupa numeris / statistik dan harus mencantumkan nama instansi dari sumber datanya, kemudian pada website provinsi lampung tidak terdapat topografi.
Pada peta wilayah dan sumper daya di website provinsi lampung, kabupaten lampung timur, dan kabupaten lampung utara mempunyai peta wilayah. Sedangkan untuk bentuk peta dan sumber daya hanya website provinsi lampung yang tidak tersedia.
Pada peraturan/kebijakan daerah hanya terdapat pada website kabupaten lampung utara.

Sumber :

Tugas 4 : Melakukan Audit Through the Conputer, around the computer pada lingkungan workgroup/enterprise information system

By : Muhammad iskandar

Nama Kelompok :
1.    Fuadillah Al Khumairah (12115794)
2.    Mohammad Iskandar (14115293)
3.    Nur Adi Widyanto (15115160)
4.    Sulis Andriany (16115704)


1.            Obyek Audit :

-          Warnet ABCD

-          Sistem operasi

-          Firewall

-          Jaringan

2.            Metode  audit  yang  digunakan : audit  through  the  computer 

Pendekatan dimana auditor melakukan pemeriksaan langsung terhadap software atau aplikasi yang terdapat pada komputer tersebut, dan jaringan yang digunakan pada warnet tersebut dengan menggunakan software tertentu.

3.            Instrumen Audit :

-          Melakukan wawancara dengan operator warnet guna mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk audit.

-          Memahami ruang lingkup warnet.

-          Memahami sistem yang digunakan oleh warnet ABCD.

-          Melakukan pengujian aplikasi pada proses input dan ouput.

-          Mengaudit terhadap data dan informasi yang telah didapat.

4.            Hasil Temuan :

a.    Sistem Operasi

Sistem operasi yang digunakan pada warnet ABCD adalah Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

OS : Windows 7 Pro

Processor : INTEL i5


b.    Firewall

Firewall adalah sistem keamanan jaringan komputer yang digunakan untuk melindungi komputer dari beberapa jenis serangan dari komputer luar.

Firewall pada warnet ABCD dalam keadaan aktif pada komputer klient maupun server sehingga keamanan terhadap komputer terlindungi.

c.    Jaringan

Kecepatan jaringan pada warnet ABCD menggunakan isp VNT dan di test menggunakan speed test.

Tugas 3 : Melakukan Audit Through the Computer, around the Computer pada Lingkungan Personal Information System

By : Muhammad iskandar

Nama Kelompok : Fuadillah Al Khumairah (12115794)
       Mohammad Iskandar (14115293)
       Nur Adi Widyanto (15115160)
       Sulis Andriany (16115704

Audit Through The Computer

Audit through the computer adalah dimana auditor selain memeriksa data masukan dan keluaran, juga melakukan uji coba proses program dan sistemnya atau yang disebut dengan white box, sehinga auditor merasakan sendiri langkah demi langkah pelaksanaan sistem serta mengetahui sistem bagaimana sistem dijalankan pada proses tertentu.

Audit Around The Computer

Audit around the computer masuk ke dalam kategori audit sistem informasi dan lebih tepatnya masuk ke dalam metode audit. Audit around the computer dapat dikatakan hanya memeriksa dari sisi user saja pada masukkan dan keluaranya tanpa memeriksa lebih mendalam terhadap program atau sistemnya, bisa juga dikatakan bahwa audit around the computer adalah audit yang dipandang dari sudut pandang black box.

·         Objek Garapan

Audit Personal Personal Information System

·         Metode atau cara pengerjaan

-          Objek Audit          : Laptop Lenovo

-          Sistem Operasi

Sistem operasi yang digunakan pada Personal Computer yang kami gunakan adalah windows 10.

Gambar diatas menunjukkan Device yang ada pada Personal Computer yang kami gunakan.

-        Auditing Penyimpanan

Penyimpanan yang berada pada Partisi C terdapat 172GB. Sedangkan penyimpanan pada Partisi D terdapat 292GB.

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